Why is Sodium CMC an Important Additive in Ice Cream Production?

Ice cream is one of the rapidly developing foods in recent years. Although the amount of thickening stabilizer added in ice cream is only about 0.5%, it plays a key role in the quality and taste of ice cream.

Why can CMC be applied in ice cream production?

Compared with other materials such as starch and guar gum, CMC can be quickly dissolved in cold and hot water, and its aqueous solution has extremely high transparency and fluidity. The viscosity of CMC aqueous solution is higher than that of xanthan gum, gelatin and sodium alginate, and it has excellent compatibility. When used with these gels, the viscosity has a doubling effect. This prevents the mixture liquid from reaccumulating fat during the cooling and aging process. At the same time, the strong dispersion of CMC can make the mixed material more uniform, which is suitable for large-scale industrial production.

As a strong hydrophilic colloid, CMC can quickly combine with free water in the mixture liquid. When stirred, the air can form very fine bubbles, evenly distributed in the mixture liquid, so that the ice cream is delicate, has good taste, and the expansion rate of the product is also improved.

CMC can also play a certain role in emulsification. It can not only capture the calcium in the mixture in ice cream, but also can dissociate the casein molecular group, which increases the emulsification capacity of protein fat.

What is the requirements of CMC used in ice cream?

In order to improve the uniformity of the mixture, CMC should be rich in pseudoplasticity to increase the conformal property of the ice cream. And the viscosity of CMC should be high; Now there are more fruit ice cream, and the pH value of the feed liquid is acidic, so it requires a high degree of substitution to be applied in acidic environment; High temperature short-time sterilization is used in the industrial production of ice cream, which requires good thermal stability of CMC. Therefore, the requirements for CMC used in ice cream are quite high, the degree of substitution is 0.8-0.85, the acid rate is higher than 0.80, and the transparency of its solution is better.

What is the dosage of CMC in ice cream?

CMC can be used alone, with a dosage of 0.4%-0.5%. Nowadays, composite emulsion stabilizers are often used in the industrial production of ice cream. Various emulsifying stabilizers can be mixed together according to different requirements of ice cream. One of them is guar gum 30%, CMC 40%, xanthan gum 10%, glycerol monostearate 10%, sucrose ester 10%, and the dosage is 0.4%-0.55%. For various types of fruit popsicles, the dosage of CMC is 0.5%. The use of composite emulsifying stabilizer can reduce the agglomeration of raw materials in the dissolution process, shorten the aging time and adjust the expansion rate of products, which make it more suitable for industrial large-scale production.

If you are interested in food grade CMC for ice cream, please feel free to contact us.



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